For reasons unknown to me, Jekyll stopped working, and Googling around did not reveal a fix. I decided to create a fresh directory, create a new Conda environment, and install everything again. However, this did not work!

This was strange - it all worked the first time around without a hitch. After much Googling and several failed attempts, I just took a break and decided to come back to it tomorrow (now today). I was agitated and frustrated. I was worried this blog would die out before it even got going!

Today, the first thing I tried was installing Jekyll outside of any environment, i.e., without creating a Conda environment. This failed because “You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0 directory”. I googled and this stackoverflow page explained that I should not try to over-ride these permissions, but instead use chruby and ruby-install.

Googling those lead me to this little guide. I followed the steps and it all seemed to work as expected. (Note, I am uncomfortable manually modifying hidden files like .zshrc. Is this normal?).

Now came the moment of truth. I enter gem install jekyll bundler into terminal.

And it works! Phew! OK, now it’s actually time to practice some data science.