A bug

Earlier this week, I tried to open one of the files containing a solution to a past STEP paper. To my surprise, it did not open. I tried several other files, and none of them opened. A big lesson here is to actually check the files have properly downloaded! I just assumed that the files successfully downloaded because I saw the correct filenames appear in the directory. (This is somewhat ironic because one of my takeaways at the end of the previous post was to not make assumptions…)

So I had to go back to my previous attempt and try to work out what went wrong. I compared my code to various other examples online, and I could not see the error. I then tried several other variations that I found while searching, and none of them worked.

Next I tried to look at the object obtained after running r = requests.get(url). I first ran print(r.content) to actually see what I was writing to the files. The output was html for a webpage - that made no sense, since the url directly goes to a jpg file. I was feeling a bit clueless here. I used dir(r) to see if there were any functions that might help me, but none stood out. One of the methods was url and in desperation I decided to do run print(r.url), expecting just to the url that was inputted into the .get method. However, the output was:


Bingo! The problem was now clear. The requests function is distinct from the selenium objects, so you have to separately log-in to the website for requests. After some Googling, I found out how you can enter log-in credentials using requests, and it worked! What a relief. The new bits of code are given at the end.

Lessons learnt


Below is the new bits of code I had to add into the original code. It may be incomprehensible without the context, but I think the syntax is mostly self-explanatory.

login_url = "https://2017.integralmaths.org/login/index.php"
payload = {
    'username': 'mei-step',
    'password': 'Stepaea1'

with requests.Session() as s:
    s.post(login_url, data=payload)
    r = s.get(url, allow_redirects=True, stream=True)
    open(filename, 'wb').write(r.content)